Donald Bow Veterans Outreach Coordinator Phone Office: 502.637.4440 Ext. 17 502-907-1536 (direct line) [email protected] Address Kosair Charities Centre 982 Eastern Parkway Louisville KY 40217 Epilepsy Foundation of Kentuckiana Phone Numbers Local 502-637-4440 Toll Free 866-275-1078 Fax 502-637-4442 |
Office Information
Hours: Monday - Friday:
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Eligibility: Veterans with epilepsy and/or seizures and their families.
* Adult and Parent & Family Support Groups
* Advocacy
* Counseling
* Employment Services
* Information and Referral
* Public and Professional Educational Programs
* School Alert Programs
Fees: Free to individuals and families affected by epilepsy and seizure disorders.
Intake Procedure: Phone and/or office consultation.
Handicapped Accessible: Yes
Bus Route: Yes
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Eligibility: Veterans with epilepsy and/or seizures and their families.
* Adult and Parent & Family Support Groups
* Advocacy
* Counseling
* Employment Services
* Information and Referral
* Public and Professional Educational Programs
* School Alert Programs
Fees: Free to individuals and families affected by epilepsy and seizure disorders.
Intake Procedure: Phone and/or office consultation.
Handicapped Accessible: Yes
Bus Route: Yes